The Healing Artistry


Relax, Release and Renew:
A Healing Journey through Meditation and Crystal Sound Bowl Therapy

As an intuitive energy and healing practitioner, I firmly believe that our bodies possess an innate ability to heal themselves. However, in today’s fast-paced world, it’s common to experience high levels of stress, overwork, and exposure to toxic chemicals. This can cause our nervous systems to stay in a constant state of sympathetic fight or flight mode, which can have a profound impact on our overall health.

The constant release of cortisol in our bodies can prevent us from finding the necessary downtime to repair ourselves. However, I believe that practicing mindfulness can make a significant difference in our ability to heal. I

f you’re feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and in need of rejuvenation, I’m here to help. Through intuitive energy healing techniques, I can help you relax, reset, and activate your body’s natural healing mechanisms. Together, we can release any blockages that may be impeding your body’s ability to heal itself, and restore balance and harmony to your mind, body, and spirit.

Through mindful breathing techniques, we can shift into the parasympathetic system, which allows our bodies to enter a state of rest and digest. Additionally, the sound frequencies of healing bowls can create a harmonious environment deep within our bodies, leading to a cellular response in every part of our being. In this restful state, our bodies begin to attune to these frequencies, reorganizing the internal structure at a molecular level that may have become disarrayed due to our busy lifestyles. This process enables our bodies to operate at maximum capacity and prime itself to heal naturally.

If you’re seeking a way to nourish your body, mind, and soul, and tap into your body’s natural ability to heal, then I invite you to experience the transformative power of intuitive energy healing through crystal sound bowl therapy and meditation. Let’s work together to activate your body’s innate healing abilities to feel re-energized, refreshed, and renewed.

Kerri Sawyer

Energy Psychology

Reiki I & II Certified, NLP Certified, BA Neuroscience Candidate

My energy likes to flow through my hands. It has always been like this for me and I just follow that wave. I have tried the traditional route of creating a niche and the truth is that does not work for me. Putting myself in a box has never been a good idea. So on my page, yes you will find a great deal around sound and energy healing as it is my desire to bring together the spiritual and scientific aspects and show you that you have everything you need to start healing the mind body and spirit. You will also find places where my creativity sparks and translates to wearable items. I love to create, be it on canvas or making natural products for our well being.  Many gifts were bestowed upon each of us as we came to this physical plane and sometimes all of mine will show themselves on this page. I encourage each of you to be inspired to let your gifts shine however your heart desires. 


Sound Therapy

Sound consists of mechanical vibrations that travel through a medium such as air, water, or in the case of cymatic therapy, the body. Sound healers believe that all parts of the body vibrate and therefore produce sound, either at a healthy, “harmonious” frequency, or at an inharmonious, unhealthy frequency. Sound therapy directs healing frequencies into the body to restore resonance and harmony. The healing frequencies are related to those emitted by a healthy organ or body part. In this way, cymatic healers say, the immune system and other natural regulatory functions are stimulated. Frequencies may be applied directly, or transmitted along acupuncture meridians.

Sound therapy does not directly heal, practitioners say. Rather, it creates a near-optimal environment for organs or cells. In such an environment, they say, the body can heal itself without drugs or surgical intervention. By use of sound bowls, gongs, tuning forks and more your body can optimize itself for peak healing performance.


What to Expect in Class:

In this class, we will begin by taking a few moments to connect with our breath, allowing us to turn our attention inward and prepare for a meditative state. Then we will move into a brief meditation where we will scan our bodies from head to toe, granting ourselves permission to release any tension and fully relax. I will then proceed with sound therapy by playing crystal bowls while you rest and allow your body to sync with the harmonizing frequencies. Your body will intuitively know how to respond, and your only task is to fully relax and let go.

At the end of the class, we will take several minutes of silence to allow you to come back to yourself at your own pace. We will close the session with gratitude for our magnificent bodies that allow us to experience all that this world has to offer, appreciation for the ‘āina, the land we live on, and gratitude for each other’s presence in this shared experience.

I encourage you to come to my class ready to let go, relax and find inner peace. Experience the transformational power of cymatic therapy and the benefits of deep relaxation to enhance your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

I recommend bringing a towel or blanket, and perhaps a pillow to ensure your comfort during the experience. It’s common to feel some resistance when trying to relax, but please be kind to yourself and remember that even in moments of rest, you are accomplishing so much for your well-being. Strong emotions may arise during the session, but my advice is to allow them to flow and release, rather than holding onto them. You may experience physical sensations, such as tingling or a feeling of “waking up,” or you may not feel anything at all – either way, it’s okay. 

What’s most important is that you come to the session with an intention, whether it’s simply to relax or to release unhealthy thought patterns. This space is a safe haven of pure love, where you can let go, relax, and rejuvenate. Remember that this is a gift you are giving yourself, and it’s my honor to guide you through the experience.

“Harmonizing with Crystal: Why I Prefer Crystal Bowls over Metal for Healing. I want to share with you why I prefer using crystal bowls in my sessions. Crystal is essentially fossilized water, and our bodies are made up of about 70% water, which means they naturally harmonize with the frequencies emitted by crystal bowls.

Ready to book a Soundbath?

I’d love to invite you to reach out and schedule a personal session or book me for your special events!


Bathe your soul in sound:

Personal Soundbath:

  • 1 session- $100
  • 1 hour of sound & energy healing

Group Soundbath:

  • up to 4 people-$150
  • Crystal Bowls
  • 1 hour long sound & energy healing

Mindfulness Class:

  • $150
  • Consists of breathwork, guided meditation and Crystal Sound bowls
  • 1 hour long class